Is the Coffee you drink Healthy?

The Benefits of Specialty Coffee vs. Commercial Coffee

Is the Coffee You’re Drinking Healthy?!

While coffee is known to be an ancient beverage across many cultures, since the globalization of coffee, millions have adopted a similar ritual, making coffee a regular part of their day. In fact, it’s suggested that more than 50% of the American population alone drinks at least one cup of coffee daily; that’s over 150 million people! 

The problem with this is that because of the globalization of coffee, the desire to create and distribute mass amounts tends to result in low-grade, poor-quality coffee, ultimately ignoring best practices, sustainability initiatives, and health implications. 

This begs the question, is the coffee that you’re consuming on a daily basis truly healthy, or is it unknowingly destroying your health and increasing the risks associated? 

The solution? Specialty coffee. Luckily, there are reliable, trusted, & third-party tested companies that have decided to prioritize the quality and efficacy of the coffee bean, ultimately providing its loyal consumers with higher quality, tastier, and ultimately healthier options. 

What follows will be a discussion of what specialty coffee is, the difference between it and commercial-grade coffee, as well as the benefits of specialty coffee and why you should consider it over the former. 

So, if you’re looking to upgrade your morning cup of joe, this article is for you! Without further ado, let’s jump right into it. 

What is Specialty Coffee?

Contrary to popular belief, not all coffee is created equal. While commercial-grade coffee lacks manufacturing efficacy that results in it containing defects potentially detrimental to one’s health, specialty coffee is made with special care through a unique standardization process to ensure quality, efficacy, and taste. 

Choosing specialty coffee over commercial-grade coffee is somewhat of a common-sense decision. Not only is it tastier, but it contains far fewer toxins, and its manufacturing & packaging process is one that can be trusted and vetted. 

Sure, it might be a little more expensive, but if you’re a regular coffee drinker, it’s worth the investment, not only for your health but for your enjoyment.

The Benefits of Specialty Coffee

Coffee is a beverage that derives from coffee beans. Through the extraction process, several substances are maintained and remain to be present in the liquid form of coffee. Most of these substances play a role in metabolism, appetite suppression, and energy production. 

Others, however, may be damaging your health without you knowing it. These substances, or toxins, include but aren’t limited to mould, mycotoxins, acrylamide, micro-plastics, heavy metals, and other harmful, unwelcomed additions. That’s why it’s imperative to invest in a coffee company and/or manufacturer that you can trust. 

With that said, below are the most common benefits of coffee consumption, most notably via Specialty coffee:

  • Improves Metabolism/Metabolic Rate 

  • Suppresses Appetite

  • Increases Energy & Focus

  • Improves Physical & Mental Performance 

  • Boosts Mood

  • May Lower Health Risks such as Cancer, Diabetes, Liver Disease & more

  • Rich In Antioxidants

  • Associated with Longevity 

The benefits of specialty coffee consumption are undeniable, shown through vast amounts of research to be advantageous to one’s health in a multitude of ways. 

“it is true that coffee may prevent stroke, diabetes, cancer, depression, gallstones, dementia, and for some individuals, recently studied in the latest research, it can even prolong life” - Dr. Hyman

So, why is it that we persist to consume commercial, low-grade coffee, knowing full-well that it is likely to contain harmful toxins, carcinogens, and other damaging properties?! The presumption is likely to come down to affordability and/or lack of education.

Luckily, there are several premium options available that aren’t only affordable, but healthy, tasty, and accessible. One such brand is Drip Moments Specialty Coffee (@dripmoments) by Cloud Catcher Roastery recently launched in the U.S! 

By investing in a premium, specialty coffee company, you can expect the highest-quality, tastiest, and healthiest version of this incredible brew. To quote Dr. Hyman, “Drinking coffee and tea can be incredible sources of antioxidants in your life, but just like food—quality matters.”

Final Thoughts

Specialty coffee is all but conclusively a healthy addition for improving one’s health, wellness, longevity, and overall happiness. Not only is the taste divine, but its characteristics are beneficial, as discussed throughout this article. 

In short, coffee is an incredible tool for improving one’s health. However, as this article suggests, quality is everything. That’s why it’s imperative to search for Specialty, third-party tested, and trusted brand to invest in. 

Drip Moments Speciality Coffee is a premium coffee brand that has recently launched in the U.S, offering its products in unique coffee drip bags perfect for a cup of Joe on the go! 

Third-party tested and free from gluten, sugar, cholesterol, preservatives, heavy metal,  and other harmful mycotoxins, Drip Moments Specialty Coffee is the perfect choice of premium coffee (Not to mention it’s affordable)

To learn more about Drip Moments Specialty Coffee or to order it now, visit now! Follow us on Instagram 

“You don’t need an inspirational quote, you need coffee!”


Cloud Catcher Launches Drip Moments Coffee in the USA